2014 BFA 3D/Ceramics, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Professional Work Experience
Office Manager, Ceramics + Printmaking Studio Manager , Program Coordinator. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Ceramics Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Instructor: Raku Workshop. MassArt Alumni Maker Weekend. MassArt, Boston MA.
Office Manager, Ceramics + Printmaking Studio Manager , Program Coordinator.
Chases Garage. York, ME.
Ceramics Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate, Surface Design
Office Manager, Ceramics + Printmaking Studio Manager , Program Coordinator.
Chases Garage. York, ME.
Adjunct Professor. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Course: Handbuilding
Ceramics Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate, Surface Design
Raku Workshop Instructor. Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design Alumni Retreat
Ceramics Instructor. The Umbrella Community Arts Center. Concord, MA.
Courses: Thrown + Altered Pots
Office Manager, Ceramics + Printmaking Studio Manager , Program Coordinator
Chases Garage. York, ME.
Ceramics Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate, Surface Design
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate
Ceramics Instructor. The Umbrella Community Arts Center. Concord, MA.
Courses: Advanced Throwing
Adjunct Professor. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Course: Handbuilding
Office Manager, Ceramics + Printmaking Studio Manager , Program Coordinator
Chases Garage. York, ME.
Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate, Surface Design
Instructor. The Umbrella Community Arts Center. Concord, MA.
Courses: Thrown & Altered Pots
Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate
Adjunct Professor. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Courses: Intro to Ceramics
Ceramics Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate, Surface Design
Ceramics Instructor. The Umbrella Community Arts Center. Concord, MA.
Courses: Thrown & Altered Pots
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate
Visiting Artist: Emmanuel College
Teaching Assistant. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Professor: Megumi Naitoh Course: Image and Clay
Ceramics Instructor. Chases Garage. York, ME.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate, Surface Design, Image Transfer
Raku Workshop Instructor. Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design Alumni Retreat
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate
Ceramics Instructor. Wells Ogunquit Adult Community Education.
Course: Handbuilding
Raku Workshop Instructor. Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design Alumni Retreat
Ceramics Instructor. Feet of Clay, Brookline, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding, Intermediate
Resident Artist. Feet of Clay, Brookline, MA.
Raku Workshop Instructor. Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design Alumni Retreat
Ceramics Instructor at Summer Time Arts Camp. Waynflete School. Portland, ME.
Ceramics Instructor. Shore Country Day School. Beverly, MA.
Course: Wheelthrowing.
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding
Teaching Assistant. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Professor: Janice Jakielski Course: Handbuilding
Professor: Ben Ryterband Course: Mold Making and Casting
Ceramics Instructor. The Clay School. Lynn, MA.
Courses: Wheelthrowing, Handbuilding
Instructor. Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design Alumni Retreat
Teaching Assistant. Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Professor: Ben Ryterband Course: Wheelthrowing
Professor: Janna Longacre Course: Ceramic Design
Professor: Sarah Williams Course: Image and Clay
Professor: Janice Jakielski Course: Surreal Clay
Earthworks: Tradition, Influence, Innovation. The Umbrella Arts Center, Concord MA.
Don’t Panic! 3S Artspace, Portsmouth NH
Flora & Fauna, Monique Rancourt Artisan Gallery, Waltham, MA.
State of Clay, Lexington Arts & Crafts Society, Lexington, MA.
Material Mugs V: Underglaze, Companion Gallery, Humboldt, TN.
All Fired Up, Piano Craft Gallery, Boston, MA.
What Goes Bump in the Night, Clay Arts Vegas, Las Vegas, NV.
Eclectic Traditions, Attleboro Arts Museum, Attleboro, MA.
Senior Show, Bakalar and Paine Galleries, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
All School Show Awards Show, Presidents Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
All School Show, Presidents Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Twin Cups, MWSU Clay Guild National Ceramics Exhibition, St. Joseph, MO.
Swap, North Crackatorium, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Lutaceous, Student Life Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Student Show, Boston City Hall, Boston, MA.
Of the Sea, Phoenix Fired Art, Joplin MO
All School Show Awards Show, Presidents Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
All School Show, Presidents Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Clay; Metamorphosis, Student Life Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Ceramics Collective, Student Life Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Studio Foundation Award Exhibition, Brant Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Jurors Choice Award, Earthworks: Tradition, Influence, Innovation. The Umbrella Arts Center, Concord MA.
Ceramics Department Honors Award, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Academic Honors, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Honorable Mention, Helen Blair Crosbie Sculpture Award
Carl Bersin Memorial Award
All School Show Exhibition Award, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Honorable Mention, Of the Sea, Phoenix Fired Art, Joplin Missouri
All School Show Exhibition Award, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
Studio Foundation Award, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
"Meet Trailblazer Erica Hood", Boston Voyager.
"Kummerspeck", Meat for Tea: The Valley Review
Inside the mind of Erica Hood- Wells ceramic artist, York County Coast Star
All School Show Catalog, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.
All School Show Catalog, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA.